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[[circle]] 135 [[/circle]]

[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 26, 1955, V.

Another complete L.C by flying bird. Flying near me; and I may have been the stimulus. Again just with neck stretched forward; (stretched quite a bit in this case

[[image - rectangle with male symbol]] M - V&HF. M&HF - O - HF T - H - T - T. M - T - V&HF - T AggV&HF - V - AggV&HF - V. V&SS - V. V Gost - V - Gost - V&HF. T - T - T - T - T - T - T - T - T - T - redirection attack on neighbor. O - V - pointing bill to [[image - female symbol]] - LCN - V V - SS - pr.

[[image - rectangle with female symbol]] M - M&M note - O - M - V&HF V. O - HF - V - SS - V. M V - T - V - T V - HF - V LCN - LCN - M - V&SS - escape - V. V. V. T - T - T - T - T - T - T - T. O - V - escape - V - escape. O - V - SS - SS - V - pr.

Have just seen [[image - female symbol]] land some distance from [[image - male symbol]] , give M&M note, at which her mate came running to her in M.

[[image - three triangles with red marks above]] [[image - male symbol]] V; [[image - female symbol]] V&HF - V&SS - O - V. [[image - male symbol]] M - T - T; [[image - female symbol]] T - T - T - T. [[image - male symbol]] V&SS; [[image - female symbol]] V&HF.

Bird giving aerial L.C. as it comes in - neck very stretched, [[underline]] gliding very fast [[/underline]]. This was a quite conspicuous performance.

* Comm. area field. [[underline]] AggV before attack - AggV after attack Agg V before attack - V after attack [[/underline]] V. V. V. V. [[underline]] AggV before attack - AggV&HF after attack [[/underline]] V. V. LCN.

The notes uttered by flying birds before landing are always "rattle" type. Also the overwhelming proportion of notes by birds just flying around in a more or less calm manner.  I think, therefore, that the "pure" notes, without "rattle", must be relatively higher intensity - if nothing else.

* Comm. area field V - AggV. [[underline]] AggV&G before attack - V&HF after attack. V - HF after attack [[/underline]]. V. V - M. Agg V.

Almost all birds asleep by 10:30 - 11:00

Have seen several cases of attempted rape. Don't know if by mate or not.

[[image - two triangles with red marks above]] [[image - male symbol]] V; [[image - female symbol]] V - SS - V [[image - male symbol]] Gost; [[image - female symbol]] V - SS - V - SS - V

Have seen a lot of copulations [[underline]] not preceded by [[image - male symbol]] feeding [[image - female symbol]]. Just mutual T; the more highly motivated partner doing the most T's T's from V, H, & M; or any intermediate postures. A strong tendency for the more highly motivated partner to walk round & round the other. The [[image - male symbol]], at least, may utter M notes