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[[circle]] 141 [[/circle]]

[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 27, 1955, II.

[[image-drawing of bird facing left with beak in downward position; small arrow pointing to hump on back followed by !!]]

This hump may be an "indication" of regurge - as it becomes larger, rounder & more swollen before actual regurge; but it often occurs without any other sign of regurge. I think it is quite independent of regurge.

* Comm. area, field [[underline]] attack V before attack - V after attack [[/underline]] LCN. LCN. [[underline]] V before attack - T after attack V after attack V after attack [[/underline]] V. V - LCN. [[underline]] V before attack - V after attack V before escape [[/underline]] V. V. V. [[underline]] G before attack - V&HF after attack - V&SS after attack [[/underline]] V. V. V - [[underline]] G before attack - V after attack. V - G before attack - V after attack. [[/underline]]

[[image - three triangles with red marks above]] Unsuccessful, both V&HF - V. [[image - male symbol]] M - T; [[image - female symbol]] V. [[image - male symbol]] Agg. V.; [[image - female symbol]] V.

There is a fairly definite line marking the end of the white hood in the birds with most complete nuptial plumage.

The eye looks quite large in these birds. [[image - drawing of bird's head]] Line is quite definite on lower part of cheeks & chin. Much more diffuse & less conspicuous on nape - the feathers of the upper neck are light grey, and tend to fade into the hood. The shape of the head is variable, but it is always rounded. 

Bird doing high intensity LC's on ground. Beginning each time in semi-O semi-L, then going up into extreme O, then coming down into semi-O semi-L. The initial Semi-O semi-L was once accompanied by LCN (very little "rattle"). This appeared to be one of the highest-intensity L.C. performances I have seen so far. (Might add that I have seen a similar "rising" in some other L.C.'s - bird beginning in extreme O, then going up even further, and leaning backward, before coming down and forward into a slightly less extreme O, or even L. This [[image - arrow pointed to right rising and then falling]] progression may even be the "usual" form). 

Heard immature bird (brown on secondaries & tertials; but fairly complete hood) give O&L.C. just like that of adults

Almost all the immatures I have seen have been obviously mated. Have seen immature [[image - male symbol]] mated with adult [[image - female symbol]]; and immature [[image - female symbol]] with adult [[image - male symbol]].