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[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 27, 1955, III.

* comm area field end 9:15 [[underline]] G before attack - V after attack G before attack  - V after attack G before attack - V after attack V before attack - V&SS after attack [[/underline]] O - L [[underline]] V before attack - V after attack - bird in V attacked - V after being attacked [[/underline]]

Think I may finally be on to pair-formation or the very earliest stages of pairing. [[image - symbol for male]] on territory near me, mostly on a little knoll, but includes low ground on side. This [[image - symbol for male]] spends some time relaxed & preening; but most of the time in alert posture, near-V, or V. (Head looks relatively large, body small, neck not as long as in some V's) Looking alertly from side to side. Occasional gost. [[underline]] Does LCN's from V [[/underline]], (i.e. neck becomes slightly curved, head moved forward, with the utterance of each note [[image - drawing of bird's head facing right with beak open]]), [[underline]] at most of the birds flying overhead [[/underline]]. Once did O to flying bird. [[underline]] Did complete L.C. with O -> L about six times toward flying birds[[/underline]]. Occasionally would rush off to attack other birds, quite vigorously (by far the most vicious series of attacks I have seen so far). Always returning, sooner or later to his "station" on the knoll. Occasionally flying off on circular flights. Or attack neighbor or intruder and then go off on circular flight. Many LCN's ("rattle tone" during these circular flights) Always returning to almost same spot to receive LCN's

This [[image - symbol for male]] was visited by a [[image - symbol for female]] twice. (I don't know whether same [[image - symbol for female]] or not) I didn't see the first approach. The second approach, at least the last stages of it on foot. One greeting by [[image - symbol for male]] was O-V&HF-V. The second was O-L-M&HF-M-M&SS-M-SS-M-SS-M-T-T-M-T-M-T-M-T-T-M, (all the T's were from semi M, semi H posture). All the [[image - symbol for female]] did was V, plus occas. HF, plus many SS's (not very rapid or vicious-appearing - but then, neither were the [[image - symbol for male]]'s), and one T, from V, when the [[image - symbol for male]] was T-ing. The first visit was evoked by the [[image-symbol for male]] attacking the [[image - symbol for female]]; the second by his making a series of redirection attacks on neighbors). [[image - symbol for female]] flew away each time. 

The second time the [[image - symbol for female]] flew away, she landed about 200 yds away. Here she just stood, giving occasional LCN notes. Then she was joined by