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[[circle]] 148 [[/circle]]

[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 27, 1955, IX.

[[image - rectangle with male symbol]] [[underline]] O - L - T - HF - V - attacks [[image - female symbol]]. O - L - T - HF [[/underline]] V - SS - V. V. V. V - HF - V - [[underline]] redirection attack [[/underline]] V - [[underline]] attack [[image - female symbol]] [[/underline]] V gost. V - M&HF - V - gost [[underline]] O - L - T [[/underline]] - V - M - V - HF - V. O V. V. V.

[[image - rectangle with female symbol]] O. V - SS - V V. V. V - HF - V V. gost. V. V - HF - V [[underline]] O - L - T [[/underline]]

[[image - male symbol]] alone, doing LCN's at flying birds. Then O as [[image - female symbol]] lands beside him. [[image - female symbol]] in M, stands beside [[image - male symbol]] a few seconds, while he does M&HF. Then the [[image - female symbol]] runs to another [[image - male symbol]], who is obviously her mate, and has lengthy display with him! 

There is no doubt that M has "taken the place" of H, to a very large extent in this species; and it also occurs much more extremely than the H of any gull I know. 

O is accompanied by a sudden raising of the carpal joints - away from the body. Drop back to their usual display position, (i.e. just visible), as soon as call stops & O drops. This is the only display pattern in which I have seen such raising. 

[[image - 4 triangles with red vertical line above each]] 
[[image - male symbol]] V&HF; [[image - female symbol]] V&SS. [[image - male symbol]] V; [[image - female symbol]] V-HF-pr. [[image - male symbol]] & [[image - female symbol]] both V  Both V&HF. 

Notice [[image - male symbol]] in V with [[image - female symbol]], with eye half shut

* comm. area, field [[underline]] Ch after being attacked [[/underline]] 

The bird that did Ch after being attacked, sat down (i.e. squat) to do so. [[image-drawing of bird facing left with beak pointed directly down]]

Have noticed several other copulations with M notes, as well as several with Ch notes, or even loud "Wah" notes in Ch rhythm which may have been intermediate between real Ch and LCN's. 

One adult [[image - male symbol]], incomplete nuptial plumage, displays with a [[image - female symbol]], complete display (including O complex, V complex, and M's). Then another [[image - male symbol]] comes up, V-HF-V toward [[image-female symbol]]  Then second [[image - male symbol]] goes about 25 yds away, goes through complete display with another [[image - female symbol]] I.E. the pair bonds are certainly far from strong yet in all cases

I think that, although T'ing seems to appear comparatively early in the pairing process in this species, it rarely occurs during these brief "soliciting" or "inviting" encounters between birds that have already formed pair-bonds with others

Transcription Notes:
3 vertical black lines and vertical crosshatch mark appear in left margin next to all paragraphs except those for which different margin notes have been noted above. Lines and marks do not appear in spaces between paragraphs.