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[[underline]] dominicanus [[/underline]], Dec. 1, 1955, II.

[[circle]] 165 [[/circle]]

Aerial LCN's are quite common, although perhaps less frequent less frequent than those of Belcher's Gull. Deep, about "Keeow" or "Klioo" sounds. Given from the usual unritualized postures.

Ground L.C.N. sounds the same. Sometimes given from semi-V or semi-O; but more often accompanied by brief HD movement or intention movement (just like Ring-bill).

Complete L.C. only heard on ground. Given from semi-O-HD-O, or, more frequently, from HD-O. Many notes, each one obviously only a slight modification of LCN. One or two introductory notes with semi-O. I don't know how many notes with HD. 6-7-8 notes, getting weaker toward end, and slightly shorter + deeper in pitch, with O. HD posture much like that of Herring or Ring-bill. O much like that of Herring.

[[image - two arrows pointing to left of page]] quite low, L.C.'s given toward flying mate. Also toward strangers or intruders who come too near, (particularly on some of the smaller sherries - the only places where there is sometimes a brief indication of "real" territorial defense).

Juvenile LCN's, which are occasionally given by flying birds, sound just like those of related species; but again are deeper + hoarser.

M notes are quite frequent + loud. Apparently intermediate in frequency between those of the Herring Gull and the Ring-bill. Apparently always directed toward the mate (always by the [[image - male symbol]]?); or, at least, given when the mate is present. Given from M or [[regurge?]] (i.e. head to ground) postures. M notes given by both birds in air + on ground. (I haven't caught the aerial postures accompanying M - perhaps it is only given by birds about to land). M note itself is a plaintive, long-drawn "Keee-ow" or "Ooooo-aaaah" ____---- or ----____

T and FB patterns like Herring Gull. Have seen only one regurge by [[image - male symbol]], and this was silent.

The V patterns also seem to be just like Herring. Has some