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[[circle]] 171 [[/circle]]
[[underline]]modestus[[/underline]], Dec. 2, 1955, VI.

V & HF's and M & HF's, which looked like hostility provoked by a neighbor or intruder and redirected upon a mate.
When a redirected attack on neighbor takes place, there is a definite tendency for the post-attack HF by the attacker to be directed away from its mate, [[respective?]] of where the attacked bird may be or may have gone to. I have tried to ignore such "redirected' HF's in my counts.
The frequency with which HF's are [[superimposed?]] on L's & M's, incidentally, is another resemblance between this species & Franklin's Gull. Such HF's are [[underline]] much [[/underline]] more frequent in this species, however. I think that this species does more HF-ing than any other species I have ever watched.
[[male symbol]] [[Note: in the following section there are check marks over the initials, such as 'V', 'HF', 'pr', and 'SS' as well as 'nothing']]V-HF-pr, [[female symbol]] nothing .Both V & SS. Both V-SS-SS-SS-SS. [[/check marks]]
There seems to be absolutely no ritualized hostility toward Kelp Gulls, no "potential predator" reaction, in spite of the fact that the young Kelp Gulls frequently try to steal the fish [[male symbol]]'s regurge for [[female symbol]]'s [[check marks over initials]]V-HF-pr. [[/check marks]]
Pairs often fly to water to bathe after copulations
[[check marks over initials]] [[underline]] V before attack [[/underline]] - [[underline]] V&HF after attack [[/underline]] - LCN-LCN-LCN-LCN-LCN--M&M note-[[underline]]V before attack [[/underline]] - [[underline]]V after attack [[/underline]]  - V-gost-V. V.V.[[/check marks]]
Have watched a number of birds giving "clear" LCN's on ground. Two in particular. Apparently [["inviting?"]]; in one case interspersed with a lot of attacks on neighbors. There seemed to be a tendency for these] LCN's to be given from more extreme V postures (although not always) than there usually associated with "rattle" undertone "LCN's Isn't this good evidence for the theory that the "clear" LCN's are higher intensity than the "rattle" LCN's. These clear LCN's could be transcribed as "Aow" or "Kow." [[underline]] They sounded remarkably like some LCN's of Franklin's Gull [[/underline]]. Further evidence of relationships.
I think that it can be definitely said that this species has a relatively weak attack drive, much weaker than that of Franklin's Gull or the [[B.h G.?]] One presumes that this is correlated with the fact that it doesn't stay in its colonies very much.
[[end page]] 

Transcription Notes:
As with many pages in the gull notes the margin includes a series of doodles or markings featuring three vertical lines followed by one vertical crosshatch line and occasionally a single vertical crosshatch line. This page's margin also includes a grouping of 3 small triangles each with a small red vertical line above it about half of the way down the page. Slightly further down there is a short thick horizontal line followed by male symbol and below that an asterisk-like drawing followed by the words: comm. area field