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[[circle]] 189 [[/circle]]

[[underline]] serranus [[/underline]], Dec. 13, 1955, III

Grey-hooded Gull, sounds as it it came from a smaller bird.

The bodies of these birds here do not always look as relatively large as that of the bird in the Lima Zoo. Still - they never look small-bodied.

The only pursuit flight I have seen was obviously connected with food. Some twisting & turning; but no swooping or soaring.

[[underline]] serranus [[/underline]] December 14, 1955, Laguna de Maule

Notice again that the V & brief LCN's often precedes attacks. In this case, an adult, incomplete nuptial plumage, did it repeatedly before charging a first-year bird. Once did V & LCN ->V-> charge

V & brief LCN's also appears to be a reaction to me. When I approach, a bird swims away from the shore a few feet, then swims along, far away from any other bird, in V (swimming type - can't be very well distinguished from alert posture) uttering an almost constant stream of brief LCN's for more than a minute.

Some V's look exactly like mod. agg. V's of the B.h.G (i.e. lack the prominence toward rear shown in my drawings

Vermilion inside mouth is very conspicuous during LCN's.

One bird (adult, incomplete nuptial, ?) does R, in more or less relaxed posture, when another bird passes close by.

One first-year bird gives LCN's from relaxed posture when adult approaches. These notes were relatively "pure" and low-pitched, might be transcribed as "Keow"s

One first year bird goes into H (possibly semi-F) & R, then immediately attacks

Extreme agg V by first year bird

V before attack - V&HF after attack V before attack - V & HF after attack