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[[circle]] 193 [[/circle]]
[[underline]] serranus [[/underline]], Dec. 14, 1955, V.
as a terminal Soar
Have seen one or two "flying" Soars. Several, at least, of the observed pursuit flights were apparently redirections provoked by intra-specific hostile disputes on the ground in the colony (Those pursuit flights included the ones with Soars, and the one with both Swoop & Soar)
Also managed to see a lot of ground hostility in the colony, as well as a little hostility on the water. [[underline]] V is very common [[/underline]] Occurs in just the same circumstances as V's of other species; eg. with HF after copulation, with HF as a low intensity greeting (without other displays), etc. Form much as previously described; appears to vary from extreme agg form to "moderate" form (neck not as thick as in agg. V, bill approximately horizontal) Still haven't noted anything that looked like an extreme anx. V in physical form Noticed at least one V on ground with tail above wings also one V on water with tail above wings, (this latter followed F, and it is probable that the tail is seldom above wings in V's that do not follow F).
O and F are much less common than V in the colony at the present time. Much as previously described, but it is now apparent that the peculiar O's with "inverted arch" are always, or almost always, directed toward flying birds. Sometimes quite short-necked in these circumstances. The usual O toward a bird on ground is quite straight necked, much like many O's of the BhG. [[image]] It would appear that the O is really quite variable F also much as previously described One very long-necked F by bird on the water [[image]] O-F is often shown by birds on the ground toward flying birds; and it is probably the usual sequence of displays in such circumstances- as