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[[underline]] serranus [[/underline]], Dec, 5, 1955, II

Have finally discovered an aerial Long Call, and it is rather surprising! One bird flies around, Swooping repeatedly. The form of these movements is quite usual; but the call is not a PCC. 2 or 3 three high, shrill, long LCN's during Swoop, then 3 or 4 shorter LCN's during Soar. [[underline]] These LCN's get progressively shorter, and perhaps slightly lower [[/underline]]. The whole series of Swoop-Soar notes might be represented as [[image - sketch demonstrating swoop & soar]]. This seems to be a definite L.C., although the differences in pitch between first and last notes are relatively slight. [[underline]] This behavior appears to be a remarkable specialization [[/underline]]

The tail is closed during the Swoop, but spread during the Soar.

I have seen another bird do a Swoop-Soar with L.C.

When a bird flies around me, screaming high long LCN's, in posture with head & neck stretched downward, it goes out of this posture to a greater or lesser extent, goes into a "normal" flying posture, if it interjects a burst of AlC's in midst of the LCN's. Then goes back into downward stretch posture if it resumes LCN's

Much to my surprise, there appears to be a motor boat of the lake With fishermen. They land on island, walk around. One of them goes egg-collecting. Finds at least 3 nests with one or more eggs. One nest certainly had two. So some of the birds are certainly in the incubation phase.

Silent Panics by birds as fishermen approach the island. Much as usual. Quite slight. Little erraticism. Birds just fly up, fly over water, circle, and land on water

Have also been watching a little behavior on land in the colony. One bird, [[image - male symbol]] of pair, does Ch - O - F - V&HF - V toward a neighbor who lands too close. Good example, presumably, of gradually declining intensity

Have seen several more "greetings" of Ch - V&HF, and combined [[circle]] Ch&V [[/circle]] & HF - V.

I am fairly certain that the posture intermediate between Ch and V is usually silent.