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[[underline]] scoresbii [[/underline]], Dec. 30, 1955, IV.

[[circle]] 219 [[/circle]]

A few more notes about the physical appearance of these birds. Adults in complete nuptial plumage are almost white at base of bill, have white eyebrows which are fairly conspicuous. Red eye-ring quite noticeable. Light eye. Dark hood of adults in winter plumage and juvenals is very conspicuous; but perhaps less extensive (doesn't appear to reach quite so far down neck) than that of Belcher's Gull. These birds also have white eyebrows. (The white eyebrows are fairly thin & small). This is one of the species, like Belcher's Gull, in which the adult has white in front of carpi, forming an "outline" conspicuous against black of wing, and, in part, against black of back. The pearl-grey tinge, incidentally, appears to be darkest at base of back of neck. Color of bill (in the most vividly marked birds I have seen) is as follows:

[[image- pencil sketch of gull beak with descriptions of coloration using arrows to provide notes to location on beak]]

[[image - arrow pointing left side of image with three arrows sprouting]] bright crimson-vermilion
[[image - arrow pointing to top right side of image]] light- (almost orange-flesh color).
[[image - arrow pointing to bottom right side of image]] there sometimes appear to be a dusky smudge here, almost like trace of a ring or base.

[[underline]] dominicanus [[/underline]] December 30, 1955 Porvenir Bay

[[image at left margin - (3)2.5 inch length by 0.25 inch width darkened pencil lines and (1) 2.5inch length by .50 inch width area made up of intersecting diagonal lines intersecting other diagonal lines]]
Juvenal bird, apparently first-year, purely brown, with light markings), flies in pursuit of a Skua, then wheels off, flies toward group of gulls on ground, [[underline]] gives complete aerial L.C. [[/underline]], lands. This L.C. was quite like that of adults, except that the notes were somewhat "reedy" in quality. As far as I could tell, the only posture accompanying this L.C. was a neck curved slightly upward and stretched very far forward. This sort of thing [[image - arched arrow pointing left]] Normally distinct HD or O.

[[image at left margin - (3)1 inch length by 0.25 inch width darkened pencil lines and (1) 1 inch length by .50 inch width area made up of intersecting diagonal lines intersecting other diagonal lines]]

Further evidence that juvenal gulls are quite "capable" of producing elaborate hostile displays like those of adults. It is just that they usually don't in the circumstances in which they usually find themselves