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[[underlined]]hirundinacea[[/underlined]], Dec. 31, 1955, II.[[circle]] 226 [[/circle]]

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by 1 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by 1 inch length]]

both birds of a presumed pair during a dispute with a neighbor on the mud flats where a whole group of birds was resting.

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by 1 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by 1 inch length]]

The "Ka ka ka ka ..." call is certainly also given by flying birds; but I don't know with what movements and postures, if any.

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by 1.5 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by 1.5 inch length]]

I have seen many terns Swooping at Skuas or on ground. These Swoops are always extreme, [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] steep & long. It is interesting to note that they are all followed by long, steep, [[underlined]]flying[[/underlined]] Soars.

[[underlined]] dominicanus [[/underlined]] December 31, 1955, Porvenir Bay

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by 2 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by 2 inch length]]

Have occasionally watched a large group of birds feeding on mud flat near the outlet of small stream. The only thing that impressed me here was the frequency of M notes in obviously hostile circumstances. Quite often given by birds not near their mates, (I am not even sure that their mates were present in the crowd) All this very reminiscent of the Herring gull. And I am sure I was right in tracing a connection between the M notes and the HD notes

[[underlined]]scoresbii[[/underlined]] January 2, 1956, Porvenir Bay

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by 1.5 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by 1.5 inch length]]

[[? red markings overlapping above image]]

Have heard 2 more L.C. performances: Unfortunately without seeing the accompanying postures; but they were obviously HD-O-T (with T note) - T (with T note), and HD-O-T (with T note) The most interesting thing about this last performance was the fact that the O part continued at least 6, [[underlined]] probably 7 [[/underlined]], syllables

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by .75 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by .75 inch length]]

The usual performance, here, of a bird on the ground toward another bird of the same species flying - low - overhead is a T with T note.

[[image-set of 3 vertical, darkened pencil lines .25 inch width by .75 inch length adjacent to opposite diagonal lines running perpendicular in an area of .5 inch width by .75 inch length]]

Have seen a V & HF not after attack. By an adult in full nuptial plumage when an adult in winter plumage or a juv. approached too closely