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[[underlined]] St. Thomas [[/underlined]]

Jan. 26
Swainsons Buzzard. 1.
Geese 20, 50.
Brewers Blk. birds, (num. com.)
Meadowlarks, com.
Quails, num.
Song Sparrows, com.
Mallards, com.
Grass Finch 2.
Junco oreganus, 2.
Pipilo Aberti. 3.
Anthus Ludovicianus, com.
Sayornis sayi, 1.
Pipilo acuta, 3.
Mallards 50.
Kill deer 5.
Bewick wren, 1

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[[underlined]] St. Thomas [[/underlined]]
Jan 27 Sunday.
Woodhouse Jay 1.
Magpies. 1.
Bighorns said to be com. in Mts. 
Wild cats & lynxes, said to be com.
A little Red Fox & a little Gray Fox. said to be here, also
a Black gopher & a gray gopher, & Dixy chipmunks & white tail Deer.

Transcription Notes:
Brewer's blackbirds = type of bird Junco oreganus = type of Junco bird Anthus Ludovicianus = titlark pipilo aberti = Abert's towhee Sayornis sayi = Sayornis saya = Say's phoebe Woodhouse Jay = Western scrub jay Auriparus flaviceps Pheasant, ring-necked Anas acuta Pipilo