Viewing page 22 of 23

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[[margin]] Monophylla [[/margin]]

[[two columns - second column with red line indicated by decimal point below]]

paper             .20
ink               [[line]]
socks             .50
cotton            .25
2 # [[strikethrough]] [[?]] .80 [[/strikethrough]] shot .75
Ammunition        .80
Caps. 40           .40
Horse blanket √
Potatos           .25
Grain 63#         .95
Flour [[strikethrough]] 1.80 [[/strikethrough]]
Oatmeal          1.600
Baking powder    2.40
Sugar             .25
Bacon,           1.10
Arsenic [[erased]] (1.85) [[/erased]]
Alcohol          1.50
Wire              .20
Penuts [[erased]] [[?]] [[/erased]]

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