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Wednesday, July 18, 1860
This has been Eclipse day!  Eclipse of the Sun.
The view here in Holsteinborg harbor was fine, tho' a part of the time of its duration it was obscured by clouds.  Some how this important eclipse had slipped my mind.  Not until Capt B. called my attention to the Sun's eclipse' about 12 o'clock did I think of it.
The appearance at the middle ^ [[insertion]] of the Eclipse [[/insertion]] was thus 
[[images - small pen drawing of the eclipse struckthrough next to larger pen drawing of the eclipse while the sun was partially covered]]
as observed through a fine telescope presented by McAllistor 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
& brother of Phila.
The Esquimaux of Holsteinborg were generally out looking at it with pieces of glass [[underlined]] dipped in water! [[//underlined]]  The ^[[insertion]] Gov. [[/insertion]]says that they probably do ^ [[insertion]] ne [[/insertion]] this on the foolishness of some one who has told that they could see the Eclipse better.
At 4 o'clock this PM it began to blow a gale.  Not a hand was on board the "George Henry" but Capt. Budington, myself and a boy.  One Boat's crew (Mate Rogers) had gone out in the morning to catch fish - (Cod & Halibut) - the rest [[strikethrough]] had gone [[/strikethrough]] of ship's company were ashore at a Ball given by the natives.  Our flag of distress was hoisted - word was communicated all over Holsteinburg in less than 10 minutes.  In the mean time the "George Henry" began to drag her anchor - [[?]] of the Rescue. 
[[strikethrough]] (I & the French Boy) [[/strikethrough]] We ^ [[insertion]] cast forth [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[unhoisted?]] [[/strikethrough]] another anchor, but before paying out chain enough to let it upon the bottom, the ship was within a stone's throw of the mountainous - coast against which the waves were dashing in all their fury.  The "George Henry" was now in the most imminent danger of being wrecked.  The Capt, I & the little French boy ^ [[insertion]] (John Brown) [[/insertion]] worked with a full knowledge that by accomplishing the work of 20 men we could save the vessel - and our lives. We had less than 5 minutes to do this work.

Transcription Notes:
notes start half way down first page [[end page]] [[start page]] only necessary between the pair of pages