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[[across double pages]] July 23/60[[/across double page]]

At Governor Elbery's X 1 o'clock A.M.

Holsteinborg District begins at North Strom's fiord & goes down to Omansk - 92 miles English.  From the Sea to the East as far as land extends also 92 miles. In this direction to Fiords
The only European who has penetrated far to the Eastward in Greenland (H.D.)is Kelsen in 1830. Lieut. Gov. with Gov. E's present [[cook?]]. He found the land not so mountainous as toward the Sea.
Mountain around H.D.'s not so as the Northern District.
1845 - to 49 per year 340 lbs. seal blubber
              "   " [[dittos for: per year]]  139  " [[ditto for: lbls]] whale " [[ditto for: blubber]]
                       99 shark livers 
                      169 Blue fox skins
                      133 White "   " [[dittos for: fox skins]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

                      1094 Seal skins
                      1037 lbs. down
                      5500 Rein-deer skins
                      250  fur skin clothes
20 good Harpoon Sealers & Whalers = 80
63 2d class                 =  40 & 60
52 3d   "                   =  20 to 40
18 Fishing
162 Kyacks
152 Guns
42  Oomiaks
5  dog sledges
x  Each good harpooner can catch ^[[insertion]] about [[/insertion]] 80 seals - All can catch & kill
Rein-deer - Last year produced 300 Rein-deer skins
The Buildings of Holsteinborg have the best appearance of any place in Greenland.
Harbor of Holsteinborg greatest difference in the tides - Spring 10 to 14 feet.  In 1759 colony of H.D. established West of where it now is.

Transcription Notes:
I checked and Greenland does have sharks. Oomiaks are eskimo boats.