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Tuesday, July 24/60

At 4 O'Clock yesterday P.M.  
The windlass was repaired - so we are again ready for Sea.
This morning the wind is South, therefore cannot well make a start.
I have now letters ready for Henry Grinnell - Mrs Hall-
Williams & Haver - Sir Leopold McClintock - & Dr H. Rink. - may get write one or two more.
I will here retain copies of letters to Dr Rink & Sir L McC. 
[[line across page]]

Copy Letter to Dr. Rink  

Holsteinborg, Greenland
July 24 1860
on board Barque "George Henry"
Sidney C Buddington Master
from New London, Ct. U.S.A.

Dr H. Rink,
  Dr. Sir. Though unacquainted personally, yet I
claim to know you, in common with my countrymen, from your works, as a man devoted to the increase of knowledge among men, especially that knowledge pertaining to Geography & science.

On my arrival here July 7th, it was with sorrow that I learned from Gov. Elberg that you had departed.  The pleasure & profit, intellectually, of meeting [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] one so experienced in & devoted to the Regions of the North, would have been incalculable.

I am on my way to King William's Land, via Frobisher Strait - Fox Channel - Fury & Hecla strait Gulf of Boothia & Boothia.  On the Peninsula of Boothia & King Williams Land I expect to spend the next 3 years, devoting myself mainly to the object of [[strikethrough]] this Expedition [[/strikethrough]] continuing
[[end of page]]
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& completing this history of the Franklin Exhibitions.
I am satisfied that Frobishers Strait can be navigated, though no vessel has yet penetrated through its entire length.  Fox Channel on the E. side has never been navigated beyond that of 66'-50' N. "Fox's Fartherest" & Parry's discovery [[strikethrough]] sho [[/strikethrough]] near the E. [[strikethrough]] side [[/strikethrough]] entrance of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]]]] Strait of Fury & Hecla should be connected by other discoveries.  I am hoping to complete this chain of discoveries, indicated, this year.  Since  my arrival here in Greenland - 17 days ago - I have received the most kindly & hospitable attention from Governor Elberg, the knowledge of which will be gratifying to those of my countrymen under whose auspice I am making this voyage.
Gov. Elberg has presented me with a copy of your Works from South Greenland.  This is another valuable acquisition to the Geographic & Scientific World.
Believe me, Sir,
[[underlined]] Humani nihil alienum [[/underlined]]Respectfully
[[signature]] [[underlined]] C F Hall [[/signature]] [[/underlined]]

[[bottom left of page enclosed by lines]]  Copy of letter McClintock - see other side

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Fury & Hecla, Grinnell - name checked Governor Elberg - name checked Gulf and peninsula of Boothia - name checked Lowertz Elberg named as governor in Chauncey Loomis' book about Hall, "Weird and Tragic Shores." Humani nihil alienum - nothing of humanity is alien to me.