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[[underlined]] Copy Letter to McClintock [[/underlined]]
on board [[insertion]] "Barque [[/insertion]] George Henry Sidney O. Buddington Master
Arctic Regions
Holsteinborg Greenland
July 18, 1860

Sir Leopold McClintock
Dr Sir
It affords me pleasure to convey to you the deep interest Gov Elberg, Madame Kjer, "the priest's wife blue with cold" & others assembled around the Governor's Hospitable board, took in the reading of portions of your Works, pertaining to "Sir John Franklin's Fate," Tuesday evening, July 10.
A tea-party - the tea-party of the Governor's - of excellent composition & in fine spirits - was in the full enjoyment of the occasion, when Gov. E., "with play in his eye", took your work from my hand, turned to & read your happy description of your presentation of some coals to [[underlined]] "The priest's wife who was blue with cold". [[/underlined]] All were much amused ^[[insertion]] at [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the jovialness of Gov E.  The priest's wife, Mrs Kjer, was of the party & really enjoyed the joke & the happy humor of the Gov in his reading & his repeatedly reading
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
it, as any of the company.  
I regret not having a duplicate copy with me to present the Gov. It is quite impossible to spare the one I have, as I propose to take it with me. to King Williams Land, being now on my voyage there.  I would suggest that no greater pleasure would be conferred on the Gov. than sending to him your Works to which I here refer.  You are fully aware that if a package be sent to Copenhagen for Gov Elberg of Holsteinsborg District, Greenland, he would receive it duly by some one of the King's ships that come out next Spring.
When I left America, May 29th, Henry Grinnell, Esq. who accompanied us down the Bay of New London, informed me that [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Lady Franklin expected to accompany his Son, Cornelius & daughter, then in London to the U.S.  I hope she has done so. My Countrymen await to do that noble lady honor.  I hope that you Sir will yet visit the U.S. I know that a large number of the Sons of America would welcome you heartily into their midst.  Among our people we can number thousands of noble men, but I can assure you, on my faith, the World affords only one Henry Grinnell.
[[underlined]] [[signature]] C F Hall "[[/signature]] [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Buddington, Elbery, Kjer & Grinnell- all name checked correct. No, it is Elberg in the published version of Hall's diary "Life among the Esquimaux". Governor's name spelled Elberg on this page. [[end page]] [[start page]] only needed between two images on one page.