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[[across double page]] Tuesday July 24/60 [[/across double page]]

out of [[strikethrough]] equill [[/strkethrough]] equilibrium that he could say nothing.
I took the Gov. to the disordered Windlass. He saw the ruins in their proper light & felt the dilemma in which we were placed.  He suggested that without the use of this windlass the voyage might prove a failure.  I have introduced the subject of the repair that might be made if we possessed the screw-plate &c which he had.  The Gov. called together his Blacksmith, the Lieut. Gov & his General Superintendent, all of whom were on board to see us off & bid us God- [[strikethrough]] sped [[/strikethrough]] speed in our work.  The consultation ended the Governor communicated to me the results 'Your Commander can have what he wants'.  - I took him to Capt. B. who was almost overjoyed at the favorable termination of this matter.
The Capt. asked Gov. E. what he could pay him for this - that he could have anything out of the Ship or he would give him an order on the owners of the vessel.
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Gov Elbery nobly responded: 'That matters not, I care for nothing, if I can only help you out of ^[[insertion]] this [[/insertion]] trouble.'

  Capt. Buddington felt the generous action of the Gov. & replied:  'You have been too good to me, Governor Elbery, since I have been here, I never can repay you long as I live'.  (Capt. ^ [[insertion]] B [[/insertion]] made ample return ^[[insertion]] in goods [[/insertion]] to the Gov. for all.)  Gov. E. sent his boat & crew with the Black smith & ^[[insertion]] our [[/insertion]] Sterry to get the Screw plate, Dies & taps.  [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] While the anchor was being drawn up, Capt. B & I invited the Gov. & his Lieut down into the Cabin where we had the parting glass, spending near an hour. Feasting on the Viands for the Soul rich wisdom - like conversation.  
On coming upon deck we found the Vessel well under way & nearly out of harbor.  In 15 minutes the Governor & Aid

Transcription Notes:
Elbery - name checked Dies & taps are used to make a screw thread