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Tuesday July 24/60

flooded in crimson light - The East & the West tinged in mellower tone, the long ridge of Mountains reaching far south & far North, cutting sharply their contour upon the sky, formed a glorious picture [[strikethrough]] for the [[/strikethrough]] for the mind.  Those mountains stretching northbound looked black as Erebus in contrast with the ^[[insertion]] red [[/insertion]] glowing clouds that were in banks behind.  So great indeed was the contrast that only a profile view was to be seen of those mountains.  Their sides which were towards me were one uniform sheet of blackness.
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Wednesday, July 25th, 1860

We have been sailing ^[[insertion]] most of the [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] all [[strikethrough]] day under a strong wind.  We saw during the day several ice-bergs.  The "Rescue" keeps our company as we cross the Strait - Davis Strait.  The Sea during the latter part of the day tumbled us about considerable.  The mountains fast growing less in height & - less imposing.  My dogs are fast learning to walk a dancing deck.  The prospect is that they will soon accomplish ^[[insertion]] the nack [[/insertion]] than