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up & down - (that motion would run a Saw Mill!) - perpetually rolling - (that motion would turn a grind stone ) - perpetually creaking - see-sawing pitching forward & swaying back thus conforming to the 'perpetuality' (?) of a Woman's ^[[insertion]] tongue [[/insertion]]!
During the night, "things in general", got capsized.  I would not like to swear that the "George Henry" turned a somersault last night, but on my honor, I would [[strikethrough]] just [[/strikethrough]] say that when I retired, I left one India rubber Cup ^[[insertion]] on my writing table [[/insertion]] lashed firmly upright ^[[insertion]] nearly filled [[/insertion]] with water [[strikethrough]] in it [[/strikethrough]] - & ^[[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] beautiful Greenland Boquette in it - & this morning every flower & every drop of water [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] were out ^[[insertion]] & scattered far &near [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] of said cup [[/strikethrough]] though ^[[insertion]] the cup was still [[/insertion]] in its proper position!
Three half reams of writing paper that had been placed securely over my "Bunk" & had there quietly rested the voyage out from New London, were found scattered over an area of - say 75 feet.  Our heterogeneous mess presented itself to all eyes ^[[insertion]] in[[/insertion]] this morning - Medicine Chest
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

& contents - Guns & ammunition - ^[[insertion]] My[[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] An [[/strikethrough]] Arctic Library, & that of the George Henry's, Geological, Ornithological, [[Cetaceous?]] & Floral specimans - Sailors'[Chests. Magnetical & Astronomical Instruments pens, ink & paper, ^[[insertion]] charts & maps [[/insertion]] etc etc - & [[underlined]] two human beings[[/underlined]] (Capt. Buddington & myself) [[underlined]] enwrapped in sound slumber at the [[Mary in?]] of this heap!
The best of the joke - though a serious one - is that [[insert symbol]] our [[/insertion]] "Sterry" found himself completely thrown out of his ^[[insertion]] Bunk [[/insertion]] when he awoke this morning!

The "Rescue" has kept close by us since leaving Holsteinborg - Through to-day has kept within speaking distance on our Starboard side.
The Captain remarks that he never passed Davis Straits before, meeting so little ice.  So far my prediction has proved quite true.  Governor Elbery 

Transcription Notes:
'that' has a heavy cross stroke for the 't' not a strikethrough. Sterry is correct