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to 5 O'Clock this Eve.
At 10 o'clock [[strikethrough]] this mo [[/strikethrough]] AM  tacked ship & so continued till VII O'Clk this eve.
The mist beginning to disperse, land to the westward appeared.  The southern point, the Capt. says is "Cape Mercy" past which we shall soon sail.  Had not Capt. B given orders as he did to face about, we might have been laying "high & dry" ere this.  But the Capt. is wide awake - [[underlined]] at the night time [[/underlined]], his orders go forth.
We are now headed Westward [[strikethrough]] I[[/strikethrough]] the "Rescue" about a mile ahead.
Several Ice-bergs are in sight one very large ^[[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] like an extensive island, is [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] near [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Cape Mercy - a little to the South of it.  While looking at a magnificent 'Berg at a distance this afternoon, it ^[[insertion] toppled & [[/insertion]] rolled over & soon burst asunder.
The land in view is mountinous [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] newly covered with snow.
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I should be inclined, from, appearances, to say the country is not ^[[insertion]] so [[/insertion]] extensively covered with [[underlined]] rugged,[precipitous [[/underlined]] mountains as Greenland.
Near where we now are the Ship "Resolute" was picked up in '85 by this same vessel "George Henry"

Saturday, July 28th. 1860

This morning was fine but not such as a Sailor would call fine.  A calm is not fine for sailing.
I have spent the day on deck viewing & sketching Ice-bergs.  The ^[[insertion]] mountains [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] land [[/strikethrough]] west - [[underlined]] & sleeping in a whale-boat hanging over the ships side! [[/underlined]]
Every day more & more proofs accumilate of my prediction that this year would be an open season for navigating the Seas of the North.  We have [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] crossed Davis Strait & have not seen more than 20 Ice-bergs of considerable size.  But one of these was