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The gradation ^[[insertion]] of beautiful & varied tints [[/insertion]] (from ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] purple) was upward.  The width of [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] purple band or zone was about 15° & of the tints 15° more.  After the sun had fully set, all at once, the purple was replaced by a deep blue.  As to the "tints' of which I write I am at a loss to describe Take a thousand Rainbows - stretch them around the horizon - intermix them entwine them - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] spin & twist them together, - & you have what appeared to me as tints crowning this ^[[insertion]] purple [[/insertion]] zone [[strikethrough]] of purple[[/strikethrough]] (afterwards of azure)which I saw to-night

Sunday, July 29th 1860

This is the 9th Sunday since leaving the States - the 62d day.
The day has been foggy - & cold.  At Meridian we were ^[[insertion]] just [[/insertion]] enabled to determine our Latitude 65°-15' ^[[insertion]] N [[/insertion]] which is the 1st since leaving Holsteinborg.  Some twenty ice-bergs have been passed [[strikethrough]] by us[[/strikethrough]] since morning.  Many of them deeply
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interesting - one especially so from its vast height. - & from its odd shape.  I say 'odd' - I might as well use the  epithet for all Ice-bergs for no two are alike - All 'bergs are odd - always have been & probably ever will be!
Not only are all 'bergs unlike but each ^[[insertion]]  change of [[/insertion]] position in viewing & sketching them gives you another [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]], apparently.
After sketching the one alluded to of the deepest interest, on nearing it, the appearance was that of some other - On passing the same within 100 yards, another 'berg was before me. The 1st view was that of an [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]  old Castle with the remain ^[[insertion]] in [[/insertion]]g ruins of a dome high up but ready for a fall - A portion of the arched roof had already ^[[insertion]] tumbled [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] fallen [[/strikethrough]] half way from the Apex.  The view on passing was that of an elephant with 2 huge circular fortresses [[insertion]] or towers [[/insertion]] on his back - with here & there corinthian [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] spires [[insertion]] springing [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] standing [[/strikethrough]] out boldly from the broken Mountains of Alabaster on which he had placed his feet.  The third

Transcription Notes:
(Information: - you can copy and paste ° symbol from Word) Note use of heavy cross stroke for 't' - (not strikethrough)