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We have lost sight of the "Rescue". To-day we had [[strikethrough]] "fish [[/strikethrough]] Chowder" which was capital, made from the Halibut caught weeks ago while at Holsteinborg.
There were several warm days while at H. but the Fish has kept perfectly sweet & fresh hanging at the stern of the Vessel. I doubt not those were now have would keep good for months.  The antiseptical properties of the air in these regions [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] are [[/insertion]] remarkable. Beef, mutton & all animal substances used for food may be kept ^[[insertion]] in its Fresh state [[/insertion]] here for any length of time by simply suspending it in the air. 
Capt. B. stated to me to-day as a fact that he had know two vessels to be beset near each other in the ice & that in a few days though the same ice was around each vessel in which they was beset yet they would be many miles apart. He had ^[[insertion]] noted [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]]  notted [[/strikethrough]] this in very numerous instances & yet says he cannot account for it.