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Friday 3/60 
At VI O'Clock this eve the fog began to lift toward the west. Through a "Chink" all of us on deck saw now & then [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] silver waters dancing merrily.  The dazzling brightness ^[[insertion]] reflected upon our vision[[/insertion]] of an occasional wave, showed the the sun was shining somewhere near. Slowly the clouds , which so long have covered us uplifted. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] ^[insertion]] A [[/insertion]] golden sky was the background to all that now appeared - ^[[insertion]] Numerous [[/insertion]] Ice-bergs clothed in their white robes - Islands ^[[insertion]] Villain Land [[/insertion]] of Sombre Rocks, - Clouds reflecting crimson light - the sun in all its wonted Glory - the azure sea - These, [[underlined]] all these burst into view, [[/underlined]] making us all joyful- & [[underlined]] thankful[[/underlined]] !
This is the ninth day since starting from Holsteinborg. With fair wind we could have accomplished our Voyage to "Oo-Kood-leer" in 3 or 4 days. But headwinds fogs & calms have baffled all our efforts. Yet I doubt not that all is for the best. Thank God [[illegible word with ink smear]] hath preserved us in health & comfort. He hath brought us thus far in safety. His blessings are great & immeasurable.
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We are thine O. God - 'Be Thou merciful to us sinners.

Saturday. Aug 4th 1860

Last night we came in sight North-foreland, [[strikethrough]] W.S.W. by compass [[/strikethrough]]. ^[[insertion]] True [[/insertion]] Some declared it to be an Ice-berg while Capt. B & myself maintained it [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] land. When the fog lifted this morning I took a sketch of the head-land, distance ^[[insertion]] from us [[/insertion]] 5 miles & W.S.W by compass.
The appearance was fine, seeming to rise abruptly in the ^[[insertion]] 'East side & the [[/insertion]] side facing me from the bosom of the sea. while the west side [[strikethrough]] was an [[/strikethrough]] gradually run ^[[insertion]] up [[/insertion]] from the sea ^[[insertion]]  as ^[[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] an inclined plane meeting the perpendicular of the East side at angle of 22 1/2 Degrees. The ^[[insertion]] extreme [[/insertion]] height I should judge to be 200 feet.
A very large ice-berg was observed last night several miles above it. This morning ^[[insertion]] surely [[/insertion]] the same passed the fore-land

Transcription Notes:
wonted = accustomed