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promised to come as they have, that they might accompany Capt. B down to the next Bay south.  The men Esquimaux are to whale for Capt. B.
They brought sledges, tents, Dogs cooking utensils - Deer Skins etc.  One litter of ^[[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] Esquimaux pups - a few days old - are among the dogs.
Uget & Mate Rogers went over to an island & [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] brought off Uget's dogs (5) ^[[insertion]] & [[strikethrough]] many other [[/strikethrough]] besides others things [[/insertion]] this afternoon.  The Esquimaux way here of keeping dogs through the ^[[insertion]] summer [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] winter [[/strikethrough]] is to put them upon an island & let them look out for themselves.  The condition of their dogs is good.  How they live what they can get to eat is more than I can tell!
The 2 sail boats ^[[insertion]] in [[/insertion]] which Rogers and Uget went [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] out returned about 1 O'Clock.  After [[strikethrough]] leaving]] ^[[insertion]] putting on board [[/insertion]] all but the dogs I proceeded with two of the crew to the shore to [[strikethrough]] put [[/strikethrough]] leave [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Uget's dogs with mine.  It was blowing a gale.  We could not land for the
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surf.  One by one we slung those "Northern Camels" into the sea knowing they could make their way quickly to the shore.  While doing this a heavy sea struck us, & came near filling our boat.  Another heavy sea followed throwing against our side an Esquimaux boat that was at anchor little way from the shore.  The anchor had failed to hold longer thus we [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] were almost at the mercy or vengeance of the waves for 15 minutes. But pluck & action soon [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] delivered  us from the peril - & away we bounded to the "Rescue" where we stopped for a short time - When we left the "George Henry" - 1/2 an hour before - the Rescue & G. H. were then lashed together.  So they had been since Capt. B. returned from his attempt to go down below.  Capt. B. has now decided to go out with both vessels the 1st fair wind - he goes to the inlet next to

Transcription Notes:
Uget - name checked