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I visited the official and arranged for the escort to Li^[[2]] To. 
We had so many specimens (insects) that took us a long time to take care of them. It was one o'clock before I got to bed. The Chinese got to bed earlier. 

July 10. About daybreak it began to rain very hard. It quit about 10 o'clock. I filled box 673, insects ([[strikethrough]]This[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Flies]] , pinned). 
The netters secured a few good insects. I fixed the gasoline lanterns so they can be used when the weather is favorable and oiled and cleaned the rifle,, etc. We also had our carpenters make eight insect boxes. One carpenter hunts and two of them net insects, while not busy making boxes. 

July 11. We reached Li To at about 5:30 P. M. Filled one box of insects, box No. 674. I visited the local magistrate to arrange for an escort across the next high pass, which we cross tomorrow. I walked all day. It was very hot. 
We killed 13 birds on July 9th and one on July 8th, but none today. 
We got some odd-looking dragon flies. 
We filled four small bottles with insects. 
This morning we had a wonderful view of the snow mountains. 

July 12. Today we climbed and crossed a mountain which is called the Fei^[[1]] Yuen^[[3]] Lin^[[2]], which, according to my barometer, is 9600 feet high. We started at Li To at about 6000 feet. It was very hard on the coolies, but we are here at Hua Lien Shi^[[4]] the elevation of which is about 7300 feet. We secured two small mammals numbers 460 and 461. I have lost my diary, and have probably skipped a few. Yesterday and today we saw most beautiful views of the Tibetan snow mountains, which must be seen to be appreciated.