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- 7 - held up by the customs officers, but finally got away. We killed two pheasants and two birds, but the pheasants were very common, and we ate them. We traveled 40 li to Che To or Jedo. July 18. Last night we got a fair catch of insects at 12300 feet at Jedo. Today we crossed the Jedo Pass, which seems to be 15300 feet high (above sea level). The climb was exceedingly hard on the Chinese, especially the collectors. We secured a fair catch of insects. Two or three hundred Chinese soldiers passed us, and are ahead of us. A good many of them became very weak and sick, and one of them fainted and nearly died, but the doctors with us gave him some liquor and an injection, and I think he is still alive. Some of the Chinese and foreigners with us asserted that one of the soldiers did die and was left by the others beside the road. If he had died, he would have been left beside the road to be eaten by dogs, eagles, and wild animals. With so many of the Chinese soldiers ill, if we camped near them there would be danger that they would steal our pack animals during the night. We have therefore just crossed the pass and are camping on a level spot at 14700 feet in altitude. I have two gasoline lanterns working and a few night moths are coming to the light. Most of the Chinese collectors have mountain sickness, and are almost helpless. There is quite a group of collectors working in this part of Tibet. They are students and instructors in a university or school near Chungking, and are covering all branches of natural science. They are working under a German scientist. Another group is soon to arrive from the Sen Yat Sen University under a Swiss Geologist, Dr. Heim. There are two other foreigners and several Chinese.