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We got a large number of insects and I got a snake.

We saw the great mountain Ganka, which is becoming famous, because of its majestic height, and another snow mountain which is sometimes mistaken for it. It (Ganka) is worshipped by Tibetans as a god.

We got 13 birds.

We are in a most remarkable valley. It is called Yu Long Si. It is an old glacial bed, and is U-shaped. It is inhabited by nomads, but is remarkable in one way. The nomads live in tents in the higher altitudes in the summer, allowing their flocks to graze on the high hills and in the valleys. They have winter homes lower down the valley, with stone houses lower down the valley, with stone houses having windows, where they pass the winter. There are no flocks grazing in the lower districts during the summer, but the grass is left uninjured until the winter comes. Then their flocks of yak and sheep are brought down and during the winter they have plenty of good grass to eat in the lower altitudes.

July 30. We got a very large catch of moths last night. We camped at the altitude of about 14000 feet. The moon is coming out again, and will hinder our night-moth work. However, we will get all the work done that we can. The netters worked with the gasolene lanterns until 1:30 A.M. last night, and the skinner and I worked with the birds until twelve. We got up at daylight. Altitude about 14300 feet.

July 30. We got a fine catch of insects last night. We made a  good stage today. It was hot about noon, but is cool tonight.

We passed many stone houses built and owned by the Tibetans.

I got a few specimens of Tibetan hair, hair of Tibetan people.

Tonight we are camping in beautiful woods of fir and spruce, and in sight of the great mountain Ganka, which is almost exactly east of us.