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some pork, and some cheap paper, The magistrate was an English-speaking Chinese who was interpreter in France in the world war. He gave us a dinner, and was very friendly.

Very few foreigners have been in Gien Long Shien. I think Doctor Rock was, and Mr. Stevens. The altitude at Gien Long Shien is 10500 feet. We got back to camp just before dark. The hunters secured 14 birds and two mammals, nos. 483-484. 

These are Chinese, Lolos, Tibetans, and Shi Fan aborigines in the Gien Long Shien district. There is quite a mixture of races.

We saw two very high watch-towers, so high that they have topped to one side and their tops have fallen off. They have been abandoned.

We passed today through great forests of fir, spruce, and pine. We met many aborigines. 

August 3. Secured mammals 485 and 486. All the collectors were busy collecting. I had a lot of work caring for specimens, but got out collecting in the afternoon. I sent Yang Fong Tsang to Gien Long Shien to secure a pack-animal and a saddle horse, but he did not return tonight.

A german who is building up a college of science at Chungking has a large number of collectors at work in this region. They are his students and are making Gien Long Shien their base of operations.

Three of my collectors are carpenters. One is a hunter, and two act as netters. I first brought a carpenter along because it is often impossible to get boxes made when they are seriously needed. One of the carpenter-netters (Mr. Shie) yesterday made boxes while the others were collecting. He wasted a lot of the lumber, and made a total of five boxes. The boxes were made exceedingly thick, which is a waste of lumber. Besides, the weight of the boxes is about twice as great as it should be. When I mentioned these facts, the carpenter-collector, became saucy. The other collectors think it was a mistake to bring him,