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Dr. R. L. Crook, who is health examiner or officer of our Mission, signed the following statement, which I will send to the Secretary of our Foreign Mission Society:

"Yachow, West China, Aug. 28, 30
This is to cerify that Dr. D. C. Graham traveled with me several weeks this summer, that I saw him both at the beginning and the end of his vacation, and wish to further certify that he has benefited by his summer trip, being in better health now than when he commenced his vacation.

Respectfully submitted, R. L. Crook."

Aug. 29. After breakfast I got on the raft, with the four netters and all the specimens and baggage, and started for Kiating. Pastor Lan, an old friend, and Dr. and Mrs. Crook, escorted me to the raft. We passed over some very bad rapids, and reached Kia Kiang, 70 li from Kiating. On the way we passed Miss Brodbeck, one of our missionaries, at Yachow.

Aug. 30. We arrived at the tax-station at Kiating f[[overwritten]]ia[[/overwritten]]^[[ai]]rly early. There the captain removed his cargo of wool. I crossed the river to interview the tax officer, who excused us from paying taxes. Then we shot down in the raft to the lower end of the city where the Min and the Ya River join. I then engaged a boat for Suifu. Mr. Lovegren and I kept going in a circle trying to find each other, and finally succeeded. I met our other Kiating missionary, Mr. Jensen. We finally got started down the river about four o'clock. We passed Dao^[[4]] Si^[[4]] Kuan^[[1]], one of the danger-spots during the time of high-water, and stopped for the night at Mo^[[4]] Tsi^[[3]] Tsang^[[2]].

As we glided down the Min River this afternoon, through the thin mist the [[underlined]]Great Mt. Omei,[[/underlined]] the Second Omei, and the Third Omei were all visible beyond the green hills nearby (which were covered with green trees, bushes and grass)
^[[ 大 山 眉 ]]

Transcription Notes:
* unsure of middle Chinese character, it translates as "mountain" but doesn't look quite right