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Sept. 28. The Netter Wu is catching night-moths every night, and netting during the day. 

Filled box 807-9. Insects. 

Sept. 29. Mailed boxed 807-809. Fixed box 810, insects. 

Oct. 30. We have been collecting insects at Suifu during the past few days. I am working on the accounts. Filled box No. 811, Purchased two fish.

Oct. 4. Giang came back today from Changking, with a rather poor catch. I ought to go through his insects and throw away about half of them, which are useless, but I am pressed for time, and will merely send them on, hoping that there are good insects in the lot. 

I am spending all the spare time I have on the accounts, so as to bring them up to date and make a report. 

Oct. 5. Skinned mammal No. 504, wildcat.

Oct. 6. Filled boxes 811-819, insects from Changking. I mailed this report, spent some time packing the Smithsonian collecting outfit, and finished the collecting account to date, sending account No. 18[[whiteout]]8[[/whiteout]] to the Smithsonian Institution. I also mailed nine boxes of specimens. 

Oct. 8, 1930. Labelled boxes 820-824, frogs and insects from Changking 825, a pheasant. 

Oct. 16. The netters have been collecting constantly. 

Oct. 20. Purchased two birds and mammal No. 505, also labelled mammal No. 506, secured last spring near Mupin by the collector Wang. Labelled boxes 826-831, insects 832, fish. Box 833 skeletons.

I am obliged to escort a new American family as far as Chien Way, a trip of five days. I have given the collectors enough gasolene to run them until I return. They will be collecting night moths near Suifu.