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them at all at this season of the year.
One specimen had the craw filled with seeds of the spiraea. 
Sept. 11th.  Ruffed Grouse.  (not preserved)
17 3/4. 23. 7 1/2. back &  tail grey.

" [[Ditto for: Sept.]] 14th.  Pine Marten.  Young male.
Length 24 in; body 15 1/4 - vertebrae of tail 6 3/4; head 3 3/8; to eye 1 1/8; to ear 2 1/2; height of ear 1 1/4; feet, 2 1/4. 3. 

" [[Ditto for: Sept.]] 16th. Gopher. Length 7 7/8, tail 2. head 1 7/8; to eye 3/4; to ear 1 3/8; height of ear 1/4; feet 7/8. 1. male

The small ground squirrel (Chipmunk and the white bellied Pine squirrel 
both excessively abundant in the valley of the Naisnuloh.  The latter are barking and squeaking around the camp

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Sept. Little Chief Hare.  This animal is very abundant on the Naisnuloh, inhabiting the tala of rocks which slide down from the mountains.  The Saamena Indians call them "skill" from a fancied resemblance to their cry, [[underlined]] kill, kill [[/underlined]].

Sept. 21st.  Flying Squirrel, female.
Total length 13 5/8, body 7. hairs of tail 1. to eye 3/4; ear 1 5/8; height ear 3/4; feet, 3/4 - 1 5/8.  Vertebrae of tail, skinned 5 3/8.

" " [[Dittos for: Sept. 21st.]] Gopher Squirrel. male
Measurements not taken. The above all sent back to Lake Depot.  

" [[Ditto for: Sept.]] 22d. [[strikethrough]] Clarke's Crow [[/strikethrough]], ♂ 12 1/4 - 22 - 8.
Nucifraga Columbiana.  Specimen no. 29. 

Transcription Notes:
Place and tribe names checked.