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[[preprinted]] 80 [[/preprinted]] St. Vincent 19.

Ruth had a sore throat this afternoon. I stayed home and spent the afternoon on notes and accounts and in reading.
[[margin]] II-10-36 [[/margin]] Rode across the southern end of the island to the mouth of the Yambu River. Milepost 9¾. 

[[underline]] Station 170. [[/underline]]
The Yambu River on the southeast corner of the island, ½ mile above the mouth. 
[[margin]] A [[/margin]] Under stones on a large sand and gravel bar found 52 Staphs ([[underline]] Coproporus [[/underline]] -1, Lathrobia -7, Paederinae -5, Omaliinae -6, Stilici -3, Aleocharinae -30), 3 Carabids, 3 Aphodiinae, 18 small hemispherical black beetles, etc. 
[[margin]] B [[/margin]] Under dung on a bluff took 3 Coprinae, 2 [[underline]] Aphodius [[/underline]], and 1 larva (wireworm).

On a bluff across the river I could see an interesting-looking shrine. I couldn't get across to it and didn't have the camera.
Speaking of the [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]]] camera, our last batch of pictures were all spoiled by a white spot in one corner. I finally found the cause to be tiny holes in the bellows, worn by the finder which was slightly out of line. I patched the bellows with surgical plaster and corrected the finder. Think it will now be OK.
After lunch I went to inquire about transportation to the Grenadines. There is a daily 

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sloop to Bequia and a weekly one to the other islands. The possibility of chartering a boat [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is better on Bequia. Mr. O.C. McIntosh there can probably give me information about this and a place to stay in Bequia. He has a brother Cyril on the island also. Mr. Spence at the Treasurer's office is in charge here.
We got a little mail today. It came on the American-Caribbean S.S. Scanpenn on its return trip from Trinidad. They don't stop here on the way south.
Ruth is reading Anthony Adverse. Progress is very slow, and I think it will keep her quiet for several weeks.

[[margin]] II-11-36 [[/margin]] Intended today to ride up the Leeward Road to Chateaubelair. It rained hard last night and again early this morning and looked exceedingly black over the mountains. So I changed plans and rode around the south end to the ten-milepost, then into the interior along the Yambu River to Mesopotamia. From here I turned to the north for about two miles to the top of the ridge.

[[underline]] Station 171. [[/underline]]
Two miles north of Mesopotamia in the valley of the Yambu River, parish of St. George.