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[[underlined]] May 2, 1906 [[/underlined]]

Took streetcar to Chesapeake Junction + walked out the RR. track to examine the marl banks along the line of the railroad. Just East of the car shops + about 1 mile East of the station found pieces of the carapace of a [[underlined]] [[Trionyx?]] [[/underlined]], apparently [[/underlined]] J. [[virginianus?]][[/underlined]] Clark. With it were shells identified by Dr. Stanton as [[underlined]]Exogyra costata [[/underlined]] Say, a characteristic shell of the Upper Cretaceous.
Went on to the high cut, on the divide between the Patuxent & Potomac rivers, where a track man said he had seen round "joints" sticking out of the bank, but could not find anything either cetacean or any kind of vertebrate. Thunder showers in the morning. 

May 10 1906.

Went to Ches. Beach by 9.25 am train. Rather cool, windy + a little showery- The tide well down and was able to go under the main cliffs, which I did for at least a mile. Just before turning back found several teeth in one spot, some quite [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] ^ large. Marked a star * in the cliff at this point/also at the point in the little north cliff where I found the mandible of [[underline]] Argyrocetus [[/underline]]. Not many important finds beside the teeth, but quite a number of vertebrae with more or less of the processes complete. Got about 57 specimens beside the teeth.
Expenses: RR. $1.00, car fares, 15 [[underline]] cts [[/underline]]