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Most of the bulls have a small number of cows around them, - from 3 to 13 or 14. The pups are playing about, but none in or near the water at this point.
On the Lukannan hauling ground bachelors look scarce - A little troup at the top of the hill & some playing in the water. Elsewhere scattered -
Between Lukannan & Rocky Pt. about 25 or 30 large bulls lying asleep on the sand; of these about 20 in one bunch & the rest scattered.  These appear to be mostly old and worn out bulls.  On stirring them up I found they were quite languid - One had almost lost his voice & his bellowing was feeble & 

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comical. Two have the canines much worn. One had a swollen hind digit.  All were much emaciated -
Saw 7 dead fur seals on the [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] sand; 5 pups near Polavina rookery & 2 oldish bulls further south.
At Ketaire hauling ground a line of bachelors extended back a long distance across the "yellow grass" area - These bachelors move about a good deal & occupy much territory during the season.
A Rocky pt. the carcasses of the seals killed June 24 are black and oily & the hair comes out of the head skin. They are not rapidly decomposing.