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perfectly delightful. This opportunity of seeing the 
glaciers and the Bare spots of Land with much Bird life. Then afternoon and night of August 16th going through the [[Strikethrough]] [[W?]] [[/Strikethrough]] Vaigat, the Strait[[?]] separating Disko Island from Nugsuak peninsula will I don't believe be forgotten by many of us.

The Sun was slowly sinking to the N.W. and it's beautiful
colour effects Cooverd the Land and Glaciers of the opposite shores
of the strait.  The mountains on opposite sides are 3 to 4000 feet high. You can imagine what the summits of the
Snow capped mountains looked like. Going in we saw the Rock which at half tide is Coverd; a dangerous thing. Many large Bergs were grounded close to it and it is steep - too. One could Easily pass [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/Strikethrough]]; and not see it. because; of the Bergs. I was delighted on arriving at Godhavn