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falls to 29.400. This is the most severe weather we have yet experienced here. Later bar. 29.350. moderates a little and bar. rises, closing with fresh S wind and half clear sky.
Monday Jan 29, 1872
Weather   | Barom. | Thermom. | Wind
Half rain | 29.683 | 34 44 32 | fresh SW & SE
Early A.M. cloudy, with snow squalls from SW. Later, clears, with light S wind. Bar. rises 29.900. Go to Captain's Harbor to find the new ledge reported by Mr. Bailey.
From rocks on beach at Obernoi Pt. Station S 60 W of larger rock on beach 8.055 meters distant.
E end E Amaknak Rock bears N 2 2/3 E
W " [[ditto for: end]] W " " " " [[dittos for: Amaknak Rock Bears N]] 12 2/3 W
Middle of W " " " " [[dittos for: Amaknak Rock bears N]] 10 1/2 W
nearly in line with crest of Amaknak S but a little to the east of the latter.
[[delta symbol]] I  N 7 1/8 E Ver A 205.° 34.'20."                                     
B 34.40
Middle of Bailey's ledge bears N 9 1/4 W
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
(180 L) 359.21 m  Vern. A. 189°. 08.'00"
" [[ditto for: Vern.]] B 9. 08.00
Inner edge do N 6 3/4 W (162 L) 327.32 meters
Vern. A  191.42.00
" [[ditto for Vern.]] B 11.42.00
Rocks on W pt. of Amaknak N 29. W
Vern. A. 169.11.00
" [[ditto for: Vern.]] B 349.11.00
West Head Captain's Harbor N 42 3/4 W
Vern. A 155.19.20
" [[ditto for: Vem.]] B 355.19.40
Leave station and go over on the west side of Captain's Harbor to sketch topography of Amaknak. Back by noon. The small rock between the two Amaknak rocks is about one third of the way from the west to the east rock, bare at very low water. The position of Bailey's ledge may be found by getting in range with the east Amaknak Rock and the black point (S of it) called Obernoi, and pulling toward the latter until the west Head of Captain's Harbor ranges with the boat and the first deep gulley