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day, increasing in evening. Barometer goes down to 29.652 by 9 P.M. with rain, hail and a gale blowing.
Wednesday, Jan 31.1872
Weather |Barom. |Thermom.   |Wind
Stormy  |29.658 |41 |41|34  |SE 6
Storm still continues with torrents of rain but less wind. P.M. rain & wind diminish. Bar. 29.868.
Thursday, Feb.1.1872

Rainy |29.848 |37 |37 |34 |SE 5
Tide guage still running, but with the face and hands of the clock removed. 
Find the level (as shown on the register) about one twentieth of a foot lower than at the other station, but must wait for a calm day to rectify it. Storm from SE with torrents of rain. Work on current chart. P.M. moderates a little. Go round on the West side of Amakuak Id. as far as the needle rock; and find that the low(s) end of Hog Id. cover the East
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Head of Nateekin Bay, while the outline of the island, on the charts, is quite erroneous. The ledge near Station D, from station C ranges with the west end of Expedition Id, while from K it is in line with the low place between Fish Rock + △D bluff. Evening bar. 29.850
Friday, Feb. 2
Weather |Barom |Thermom      |Winds
Stormy |29.962 |35.5 |38 |33 |SE squally
Rainy & cloudy. P.M. more moderate, rainy. Bar. goes up to 30.065 in evening
Saturday, Feb. 3.
Rainy |30.060 |36.5 |37 |33 |ESE squally
Rainy with high squalls at intervals. P.M. moderates a little, Go ashore & make the following telemeter observations.
From △E to |Wires |Reading |Vert. |Meters |Bearing
West       |B |214 |2.55 |214.028 |S ?51 E
NW rock off Exp.Id |B 170|0.0 |170.305 |S74 1/2E
Outer N edge of islet bears  |S 80 1/2 E