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Saturday Feb. 10. 1872
Weather Barom. Therm. Wind
Perfectly clear 29.852 28 48 25 NW.I.
Day absolutely clear. Noon and P. U. SSE wind very light. Evening dead calm, ice making in small harbor.
During the last two days Akutan volcano has been uttering at regular intervals loud rumblings like cannonading.
Today, being perfectly clear, puffs of smoke or steam were seen to rise at intervals of about ten minutes apparently coinciding with the noises. Makushin is said to have broken out in a new place (about the 4th of November 1871) near the foor of the volcano at the bay on the West side of Unalashka.
Mr. Bendel informs me that he started from the Kuskoquim River in July, 1870 for Unalashka via Nunivak, on the Sche. "Lizzie Sha". Being short of water and meting a strong NW wind, the course was shaped for Unimak which was reached in four or five days. The land sighted was the point off
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Destruction (or Devastation) Volcano in about Lon. W. S. 165[[degree symbol]]. A strong Westerly wind and clear weather prevailing, they beat off this point all day without making any headway or westing. The night came on, foggy and they continued to beat until 9 AM the net day, when the fog lifted for a moment and they found themselves off Akhun Bay. The wind hauled a little more northerly so that they could barely run (without beating) to the westward and toward night the fog rising again, they proposed to row in to the Bay (of Akhum as they supposed) for shelter during the night but on examination the land proved the be that of Unalashka, off Kalekhta Cape. A dead calm ensued which prevented their working into Captain's Bay and in the night the ebb tide carried them eastward as far as the longitude of Unagla. The first stretch was made in 24 hours. On the same voyage when bound to the Kuskoquim the wind failed them when off cap Newenham, the fog shut in and