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Saturday Mar. 2, 72
Weather Barom Thermom. Wind
Stormy 29.182 31 36 31 Strong NW
Driving snowstorm, ice breaking up. Evening, snowing & blowing very hard. Bar. unchanged.
Sunday Mar. 3, 1872
Cloudy 29.498 29 29 25 Fresh NW
Half melted snow, falling nearly all day
Monday Mar. 4th
Cloudy 29.370 22 25 20 NW 6
Cloudy, with very strong NW wind, moderating, with snow toward evening. At 10 P.M. barometer stood at 29.220.
Tuesday March 5th
Cloudy 29.094 27 32 37 NW 5
Strong NW wind with light snow. PM wind goes to the W. 10 P.M. bar. reads 29.050
Wednesday March 6th
Half cloudy 29.070 20 42 20 Lt. ESE
Foggy P.M. wind E. Spend afternoon taking
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angles from Stating D. Evening, 8:30, bar. falls to 28.800, & wind shifts to NE & NW.
Thursday, March 7, 1872
Weather Barom Thermometer Wind
Cloudy 28.600 32 42 30 Fresh NW
Slight snowfall. Wind shifting, from NW to SW, all day. 10 P.M. wind west, light, sky clear. bar. 28.775
Friday March 8th
Snows 28.900 36 42 36 S & SW 4
Cloudy, snowing at intervals. 10 P.M. wind S by E, moderate, sky clear. Bar. 29.075
Saturday, March 9
Half clear 29.184 35 49 32 S 2
Morning wind light, southerly, variable with with occasional fresh puffs. Sky half clear. Spend day taking angles from Stations A, B, & K, Iliuliuk Harbor. P.M. wind SE, light, with one snowsquall 10 P.M. sky clear, barometer 29.420.
Sunday March 10th
Stormy 29.488 32 35 32 SE 3 - 6