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NE gale, with snow, hail, & heavy sea
Hove to all day & evening.
Tuesday Mar. 26, 1872
Weather Barom Thermometer Wind
Clear 29.150 40 42 40 Calm
Clears early in A.M. light NE wind & high sea. Almost a dead calm about noon, nearly clear. Calm continues until eleven P.M. sea still rough.
Wednesday Mar. 27th
Cloudy 29.300 40 54 40 S light
Wind A.M. very light, southerly vessel hardly making headway. Fair. P.M. fresh breeze from NE; at midnight obliged to heave the vessel to.
Thursday, March 28th
Stormy 29.100 40 42 40 NE gale
Hove to all day. Wind hauls to the South and east in the evening. Make sail under double reefs.
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Friday March 29 1872
Weather Barom Thermometer Wind
Half fair 29.050 42 46 40 SE Fresh
Stand in under single reefs until wind freshens and it comes on thick and rainy. Then stand off S by W to avoid running on to the land in case of a south easter. At 2P.M. sight land bearing NW and stand toward it but see little until 3.30P.M. when it clears, and we see two small islands, rocks or tops of peaks, bearing WNW.  Cannot identify them and taking three sets of observations, find that we have been swept by the current more than sixty miles to the westward of our reckoning P.M. pretty clear but clouds up after sunset. Barometer sticks at 29.075 up to 7P.M. Remain on deck all night, on the lookout for land.
Saturday Mar. 30
Cloudy 29.050 40 44 40 SSE strong