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Day cloudy with snow squalls and high southerly wind. Later, stormy. Light SE point of Unga about 2 A.M. and, shortly afterward, Nagai. Beat until 4.30 A.M. and then stand in by Delaroff Harbor, past Unga, west of Popoff Island, through the narrow passage between that island and Unga. Stood into Coal Harbor, Unga about 11 A.M. and beat into New Harbor, anchoring in 8 fms, mud, about 2 P.M. The west shore of Coal Harbor has washed away, and the cliffs fallen down, about two hundred feet west since 1865, and that side is now very shoal and unsafe. There are rocks out of water where in 1865 there were five fathoms water. The sand spit from Round Island makes off nearly half way to the opposite point on the SE shore and the water west of that line is shoal.
Sunday Mar 31.1872
Weather Barom Thermometer Wind
Cloudy 29.200 42 42 40 S strong.
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The bad behavior of the vessel in a sea was rendering it necessary. I call a consultation of the officers and decide that the proposed voyage to the westward (or to any region where the vessel would be placed on a lee shore without an adjacent harbor) is inadvisable on account of the defects of the vessel in working to windward and the great risk to life and property which would thereby be incurred. Decide to do as much as possible in Unalashka and spend the rest of the season in the Shumagins.
P.M. windy and cloudy. Barometer unchanged.
Further notes (march 30) on the Hydrography about Unga Island.
The shore line of Coal Harbor is very incorrectly laid down and a new chart is needed. The reefs laid down as "weedy shoals" on the chart, come out of water