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Friday Dec 5
Morning up to office. Work over 
estimate. Write to Am. Geographical Soc. & note for Alaska Herald. P.M. at home

Saturday Dec. 6
Up to office. Letter from C. W. Field.
Write letters.Get bath in P.M. Go 
down to Alaska Herald office & Bacon's
Evening call on Stearns & see Steindachner

Sunday Dec 7
Morning - office, church & back to
office write letters and fix E. Siberian
pictures. Dine & spent evening at Capt Noyes.

Monday Dec 8
Down to bank & up to office. See
Davidson about boat. Write to [[Reed?]]. Capt
Herendeen comes in also Capt. Belknap 
about 3 P.M go aboard the Yukon & bring up
some books &c Up to office & dine. P.M.
go over to Capt Hall's & spend the P.M.

Tuesday Dec 9
Up to office. raining hard. Work over
accounts and requisitions. Go down 
to Wells Fargo's with Schumacher into 
bank & back to office. Then down again
stop at Barstows & meet Stearns &
Steindachner. up with them to office
& look over alcoholics. P.M. go
to see Geneva [[Caves?]] with [[Bendel?]]