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Monday Dec. 15
Morning down to office. Simpson
comes in. Work over sounding machine
and finish tracking of it. Capt. Herendeen
& Steindachner call. Agassiz is dead.
P.M. Leave books at Kimballs and 
go to dinner. Evening Academy takes
action for a public meeting in regard
to Agassiz' death and I meet
Muir, LeConte and others and walk
back with Andrew Davis.

Tuesday Dec 16
Up early. Breakfast & go to office
no mails. For at office. Stearns 
& Capt. Hall come in. P.M. Take books
to binders Evening call on Mrs Dr
Hastings and Mrs. Rankin.

Wednesday Dec 17
Down town. No mail again.
Work over covers for pamphlet
Capt Herendeen comes in with
bills. Go down to Bacons Bank
& Barstows & Whitneys. Meet
committee on Agassiz memorial
meeting at 3.30  Decide the Davidson
Stearns & myself shall be committee
on speeches resolutions & arrangements.
Dine at Capt. Noyes
and spend evening at church
meeting of trustees