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____Thursday Dec 18. 73_____
Down to office, write resolutions
Direct letters for members to 
send tickets & write & LeConte
Gilman & Stebbins about speeches
Capt Herendeen comes in P.M.
work till 11 P.M. with Stearns over
directing & post stamping 350
envelopes. Then go down to his
house for a little while. Fischer
comes in in A.M. & I give him
an order for a dredge & 2 nets

____Friday Dec 19____
Morning, mails short again. Stop 
at Capt. Noyes' & bank, then to office
Was down with Mrs. Rockwell &
go down to Garretts & Buckmanns

Back to office, McKenna comes in
Rogers & Sangteller. Evening. Baker
ill, call on Stebbins & talk over
lecture & Regency secretary ship.

______Saturday Dec 20_____
Up to office, papers come. better
weather. work at office. Capt Hall
comes in also Mr. Morange. Down 
to see Bacon. P.M. Baker goes out
to the gardens. Evening mark clothes
& go round to Stearns

_____Sunday Dec 21______
Morning as Mr. Stebbins does not
preach I do not go to church

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