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Sceva & Herendeen come in. Call at shoe store, photograph gallery, Mullers & office. Work over catalogue of shells. Go down to see Bloomer but don't find him in, walk up by Dr. Stone's old church & back to office. See Miss Otis, Call at Mrs. Hague's P.M. Call on the Otises

Thursday Jan 8, 74

Clear & cold. Down to office early. Work over catalogue of arctic shells all day. P.M. call on Stearns.

Friday Jan 9

Day fine & clear. Up to office then over to Oakland with Stearns. Visit & spend the day at the Cal University. Back to town in P.M. Evening call on Stebbins and the Brannans.

Saturday January 10

Morning cloudy and cold. Down to office. Honcharenko comes in. Go down to ice Co's Carmany's, Snooks & back to office. Work over parasites. P.M. Stearns comes into room, Baker goes to hear Gilman & call on Capt. Hall.

Sunday January 11

Day now & disagreeable. Office & church & back to office. P.M. dine Capt. Noyes