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Thursday Jan 22.
Up early day fine. Go to P.O. & Fennent's, get rubbers, put duds in shape - go up to office and transfer drawing apparatus into other room. Get ready to sail south. Go aboard with Smith about noon and stand out about 4P.M. Wind very light

Friday Jan 23
Morning off Pt. New Years almost in dead calm. The Wolcott passes us bound for Monterey - Spend day shooting at gulls & sea lions fishing up appendicularia + Cymbulia. Late in evening get a land breeze

Saturday Jan 24
Get a little wind off pt Pinos in A.M. cloudy.

Sunday Jan 25
Very light winds off C. St Martin

Monday Jan 26
Wind none in A.M. Weather fine off San Luis Obispo. P.M. Light NW wind + foggy weather

Tuesday Jan 27
Off Santa Rosa + Cruz. Wind very light.
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