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Wednesday Jan. 28
Off Santa Barbara Island, Wind light fresher in P.M. About sundown off Catatina Harbor. Go in with a light breeze, tiring part of the way. Anchor in 6 fms off the spit about 7:30
Thursday Jan 29
Go ashore in the A.M. and look up the shell heaps which do not promise very well.  Then pick up a few things on the west beach. P.M. Dredging in the harbor. The rest of the party off quail hunting with moderate success
Friday Jan 30
Fine weather - spend A.M. in arranging yesterday's dredgings.  P.M. go ashore & call the beach in the east side of the island. Evening the steward refuses duty and we set him ashore.
Saturday Jan. 31
Morning, assort specimen, dig in shell heaps & get nothing P.M. dredge off mouth of harbor & collect on the beach - Siphonalia Kellettii is many with white dots & black specks in double line on foot. Aphipia purple brown with yellow dots. Tanella
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Pneumodernmon wings white distantly dotted with rose Head densely dotted with dark crimson 
Body do with brown - crimson aft the fins no fin right side 
Mouth perpendicular 
Fins whitish with a transparent border.  [[?Brown/Swims]] left side beats two or three times a second then slower. 
Darker viscera seen through the trans p. tissues 
[[image - several sketches of pneumodermon]]

[[image - with annotations Carmine and Tinted carmine]]
Main membrane gambage yellow light under membranes with a faint pink tinge

Transcription Notes:
Pneumoderma is a squid