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Friday Feb 6. 1874

Very light winds all day. P.M. Foggy & calm at night -

Saturday Feb. 7

Light wind all A.M. About 2 P.M. strong WNW wind starts up and we reach San Miguel Harbor about ten minutes past 7 and anchor in 7 fms hard bottom

Sunday Feb 8

Blows a south easter - Go ashore in A.M. and see Mr Howe & [[Bevuis?]] - Small schooner comes in P.M. mending - too strong to go ashore. 

Monday Feb 9

Day calm & fine, dry out a lot of skulls in A.M. Bendel & Baker go over to the north point of the island. Get a number of prehistorics - a fox & a good many beach shells

Tuesday Feb 10

Start early in A.M. Rainy & SE wind for the NW end of the island where we pick up a good many prehistorics and pack them back on a horse & our own backs to the vessel getting back about 4 P.M. Evening fresh SE wind
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