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Wednesday, Feb.11
Wind light in early A.M. Sail
about 9 A.M from San Miguel
for Monterey-Shortly after having
port wind chops round to NW by N strong

Thursday Feb 12 
Strong N.W. wind in A.M. with heavy
swell.  Evening off Morro Rock
dead calm, slatting like the devil.

Friday Feb. 13
Wind fresh from all quarters
with rain at night see point Pines Light

Saturday Feb 14 
Get in to Monterey Harbor about
noon. Wind light afterwards
fresh NW with showers-
Go ashore, go to the hotel, get
a piece of beef 6.50-Housian
invitation to a [[?]]
and attend at the hotel in P.M.
with Herendeen Bendel Noyes &
Baker. Have a good time &
return to the vessel about 1 A.M.
Britton is gone to Visalia. Wheeler
is gone. Blankman do to S.F.
Harris has left the hotel. The
town is very dull The rest
call on the priest,I meet Luce.
the light keeper who invites us-
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9 h 01      12 pm out
01.25       50
 2.05       50
 3.00       50

9.27 00
     25  50
  28.05  50
  28.30  50
  29.45  50
  34 15  30
[[horizontal line]]
5 1/2 miles SW of Piedras Blankas